its that time of year, where i get all ants in my fishermans pants, and start thinking of a long weekend in the country.
hmmm preferably around the 10th - 12th of december, not too big a drive but far away enough to stay the night, byo, no dickheads, fab music?
oh yesiree peeps it nearly
meredith time!
for anyone out there who goes, i need not preach to the converted, for those who have NO IDEA what you are missing!

the meredith music festival is one of our few holidays of the year, and as soon we drive out the gates on the sunday im looking forward to the next one.
this will be the mini mans 3rd meredith, yep 3 1/2 and nearly a veteran.
highlights from last year include him staying up especially to see jarvis cocker, and attempting to mow nearly the entire festival site.
this year is a bit extra special... for starters its the 20th anniversary, (our 9th) and also
oh yes, im 'peeing my pants' excited.
the dirty three are amazing to say the least, but at meredith....unbelievable! (people who were there for the
electrical storm will know what i mean)
so cross your fingers and toes, and anything else you can to make sure we get offered tickets in the ballot.
let the countdown begin!