i have decided to stop dying my hair.
being one who has dyed their hair every colour under the sun (i kid you not, i distinctly remember a bleached blonde and aqua green dredded stage) for the past 15 years this isnt a decision i have taken lightly.
ok, well it is, i literally woke up the other day and thought 'you know what would be fun?.... letting all those greys shine though!'
so here begins the somewhat awkward process.
i have ALOT of grey hair, and coming up to 30 this year i figure i should be able to pull it off for a while.
you see, i really dislike my natural hair colour, at the moment im dying it a auburn red with black fringe, but with all the grey, theres not much of that colour i despise so much.
so here goes nothing, come along with me its going to be a wild ride!